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CBCDE and InvestMinas sign a commitment to strengthen the economy of Minas Gerais
Release time:2023-12-05
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On the 27th of November, the Brazil China Chamber of Economic Development (CBCDE) went to Minas Gerais to meet with representatives from InvestMinas.

One of the points of particular attention for Chinese companies is the mineral wealth of Minas Gerais, whose demand has grown significantly in the global market. The meeting culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between CBCDE and InvestMinas, formalizing the commitment of both parties to work together. This agreement is seen as a significant step towards strengthening economic ties between the two countries which aim to expand their business opportunities.

Furthermore, the mayor of Santo Antônio do Amparo, Caique Avelar, presented the Amparo Centro Empresarial (ACE) project. Aiming to be an industrial and business warehouse between the cities of São Paulo and Belo Horizonte, ACE, which is currently looking for partners, aims to be a sustainable multimodal logistics solution, covering road, rail and air transport.

(Source: Agência Brasil China)