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Portuguese biotech start-up wins innovation competition in Macau
Release time:2023-09-29
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On the 27th of September, Portuguese startup Cellularis Biomodels won an innovation competition in Macau, in which six other Portuguese and Brazilian companies were honoured, opening the door to support, funding and the Chinese market.

Looking for funding, business opportunities and future expansion in the Greater Bay Area, Cellularis Biomodels, founded in 2021, has developed a technology that makes it possible to accurately recreate human pathophysiology by bioengineering three-dimensional models of diseases.

In the "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Macau) for Technology Companies from Brazil and Portugal in 2023", 15 projects from the two Portuguese-speaking countries were selected.

The winners received cash prizes of up to 150,000 patacas (19,400 euros) and guaranteed support to facilitate access to finance and the Chinese market.

(Source: Dinheiro Vivo)