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With a new look, Frooty is taking its açaí to China
Release time:2023-09-29
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Leader in the Brazilian açaí market, Frooty will debut a new visual identity in October. The company, which is controlled by Pátria Investimentos and had revenues of R$350 million in 2022, is investing around R$1 million this year in relaunching its brand, which involved more than a year of research.

With this strategy, Frooty intends not only to maintain its hegemony in the segment in the country, where it has a share of almost 50%, but also to accelerate its expansion abroad. the company processes between 7,000 and 8,000 tonnes of pure açaí pulp a year.

It intends to enter China later this year, where açaí has found a good response from consumers in recent years, and to this end is negotiating a partnership with a Chinese company. The focus will be on marketing the Frooty brand, although production for third parties is also part of the company's overall strategy.

(Source: InfoMoney)