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Chinese company donates goods to children at Lar Kuzola
Release time:2023-09-13
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More than 300 children from Lar Kuzola benefited on the 9th of September, in Luanda, from a donation of various non-perishable goods from the Chinese energy company and supplier of petroleum products, Sinopec.


The chairman of the Board of Directors of Sinopec in Angola said that the company recognizes the importance of supporting communities and is committed to playing an active role in the economic and social development of Angolans. He assured that Sinopec is deeply committed to being a reliable and responsible partner of the State, as this donation reflects the commitment to promoting a more inclusive and supportive Angola.

The donation includes a variety of non-perishable goods, such as cleaning products, personal hygiene products, school supplies and essential foods from the basic food basket.

(Source: Jornal de Angola)