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Brazil's VV Port launches exclusive trade route to China to import electric cars
Release time:2023-09-12
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The Vila Velha Port Terminal (TVV), located in Espírito Santo, and Cosco, the Maritime Transport Group of China Ocean Shipping, have just announced a new trade route to China, whose main objective will be to facilitate the import of electric cars into the country.

TVV operates with the loading and unloading of ships, as well as the movement and storage of containers and the most diverse types of cargo. The new electric vehicle transport service using the Flat Rack model, carried out in partnership with the Chinese company Cosco, is unprecedented in Brazil.

The pilot project for the new operation began in December 2022, with 600 cars already in the first unloading in Espírito Santo. With the success of the tests and growth of the operation, which transported 8 thousand imported vehicles until June this year, the service now becomes official.

(Source: ES HOJE)