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Government of Bahia intends to begin construction of the Salvador-Itaparica Bridge soon
Release time:2023-08-01
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The governor of Bahia, Jerônimo Rodrigues, met with the Minister of the Civil House, Rui Costa, and with the Chinese ambassador to Brazil, Zhu Qingqiao, to discuss the Salvador-Itaparica bridge. The meeting took place on the 21st of July in Brasilia.

This is not the first time that the governor has met with representatives of the Asian country to discuss the work on the bridge. During a trip to China in April, Jerônimo had a meeting with the president of China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), the company responsible for building the bridge, to discuss technical and financial aspects.

In a post made on a social network, Rui Costa informed that he continues to move forward so that the Salvador-Itaparica Bridge has work started soon.

The Salvador-Itaparica Bridge, a project worth around US$ 1.2 billion, will be 12.4 km long and could be considered the longest bridge in Latin America. The start of the work was scheduled for 2021, but it has not yet started.

(Source: Globo)