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Angola exports 94.06 million barrels of crude oil worth USD 7.16 billion
Release time:2023-08-01
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Angola's crude oil exports reached 94.063 million barrels in the second quarter of this year, 2023, a volume estimated at US$7.16 billion, according to the results on oil and gas exports presented on the 25th of July by the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas (MIREMPT).

At an average price of USD 76.19/barrel, the figures point to an increase in exports of around 6.71% compared to the 1st quarter and a reduction of 9.47% compared to the same period in 2022. This year, 2023, the values amount to USD 6.93 billion, with the export of 88.14 million barrels at an average price of USD 81.17/barrel.

The main destinations for exports were China (64.25%), India (6.20%), Brazil (4.25%) and Spain (4.05%).

Of the volume of exports, 22.35% came from the National Agency of Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels (ANPG), 16.35% from Sonangol, the national oil company.

(Source: Angop)