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APAVT choose Macau as their preferred destination in 2024
Release time:2023-12-05
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The Portuguese Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies (APAVT) chose Macau, which will host its congress in 2025, as its preferred international destination next year. The announcement was made in Porto, on the occasion of the 48th APAVT Congress, with more than 770 congressmen, and with the theme “Artificial Intelligence, the Revolution of the 21st Century”.

Choosing the “preferred destination” is an annual project by APAVT that aims to contribute to boosting tourist flows to a given destination through work with the association and its members, especially in terms of tourism promotion.

“Next year, our work will focus on international markets. We will start in Asia, but we will also start working in the European market. We have a good relationship with APAVT, we always have, so next year, we return to BTL [Lisbon Tourism Exchange]”, added the director of Macau Tourism Services, Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes.

The director of Macau Tourism Services also said that they will launch a training program for travel agencies with APAVT.

(Source: SAPO)