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China to build highway and port in Peru to bring 'Silk Road' to the Amazon
Release time:2024-02-02
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Over the next four years, the Amazon will undergo a logistical revolution that will affect the entire economy of the region's states, starting with the inauguration in December of this year of the port of Chancay, on Peru's Pacific coast.

The port of Chancay is part of a series of investments by the Chinese government, dubbed the "Silk Road", and will reduce the time it takes to transport cargo between China and South America from 46 days to 10. In Chancay alone, China has invested US$3.5 billion since 2011.

China is Brazil's main trading partner and the main supplier of inputs to industries in the Manaus Free Trade Zone, which will benefit from a reduction in the logistical cost of transporting products and thus be able to pass them on to Brazilian consumers, also encouraging an increase in production.

The city of Chancay is close to the Peruvian capital, Lima, which will be the route for cargo arriving by road to Iquitos, Peru, on the border with Brazil, in the state of Amazonas. From there, the route will be to enter Brazilian territory via the Transoceanic Highway, a Chinese investment project that will connect the two coasts of South America.

(Source: Real Time, on January 31)