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Chinese university delegation visits Paraíba to discuss partnership in health higher education
Release time:2023-12-01
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On the 23rd of November, the Paraíba State Secretariat for Science, Technology, Innovation and Higher Education (Secties) received representatives from the University of Traditional Medicine in Henan province, China. The meeting discussed partnerships with the Chinese university to set up a postgraduate course in Traditional Chinese Medicine and exchanges with students, researchers and teachers.

During the meeting, Secties secretary Claudio Furtado emphasised that Paraíba has been advancing in innovation thanks to the potential of the state's universities. "Paraíba's universities have ranked first in patents in Brazil for the last five years. 

The rector of UEPB, Célia Regina, emphasises the interest in the partnership with the Chinese university. "We're hoping to establish a partnership so that we can have an exchange between teachers, students, technicians and researchers, and we're also thinking about a postgraduate master's and doctorate programme."

(Source: Official website of the government of Paraíba)