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University of Porto professor Mário Barbosa honoured by Zhejiang University
Release time:2023-12-01
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Mário Barbosa, Professor Emeritus at the University of Porto, retired full professor at the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS) and researcher at the University of Porto's Institute of Health Research and Innovation (i3S), was recently honoured with the title of "Qiushi Guest Professor" by Zhejiang University in China. This is the highest honour awarded by this university to foreign researchers.

The Academic Committee of this Chinese university unanimously agreed to confer the title of "Qiushi Guest Professor" on Mário Barbosa due to his "distinguished academic position, his research in the field of biomaterials and his substantial contributions to Sino-Portuguese co-operation".

The collaboration between Mário Barbosa and China began in 1998, when he was a researcher at the National Institute of Biomedical Engineering (INEB). Over the years, this collaboration took the form of joint research projects, exchanges of doctoral students, among others.

(Source: Notícias U.Porto)