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Chinese delegation visits CODEBA
Release time:2024-05-24
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A Chinese delegation from the Shandong Macroeconomic Research Academy visited Companhia das Docas do Estado da Bahia (CODEBA) on the afternoon of May 20, where they could learn about the Federal Port Authority and the potential of the Ports of Salvador, Aratu-Candeias and Ilhéus. The visit is part of the beginning of the agenda, which marks the celebrations of the Brazil-China relationship in Bahia.

The delegation composed of the institution's dean Zhang Zhongying was welcomed by the executive director of CODEBA, Antonio Gobbo and the general director of the Superintendency of Economic and Social Studies of Bahia (SEI), José Acácio Ferreira.

“An opportunity to strengthen and expand scientific and economic exchange between our countries and demonstrate our potential and investment opportunities, aiming for the mutual growth of both nations," explained Gobbo.

(Source: Bahia Económica, on 20 May)