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ULisboa renews cooperation protocol with ULisboa School in Shanghai
Release time:2023-11-21
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On the 10th of November, the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) was visited by a delegation from Shanghai University (SHU), during which the protocol between ULisboa and SHU was renewed. 

This meeting was held with the aim of strengthening academic ties between ULisboa and SHU, which cooperate within the framework of the ULisboa School Shanghai, a ULisboa faculty created in September 2021. The school offers bachelor's and master's degree programmes in the areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering on the SHU campus.

During the meeting, cooperation protocols were signed between SHU, Ciências ULisboa and ISEG. The partnership between faculties will enable the exchange of students, but also of academic and scientific interests.

(Source: ULisboa official website)