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Chery's Omoda and Jaecoo want a factory in Brazil
Release time:2023-10-19
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Chery has been operating in Brazil since 2009, but made its debut with a representative and since 2017 has had a partnership with Caoa. Now, it wants to bring the Omoda and Jaecoo brands to Brazil on its own.

The two brands will land in Brazil as early as 2024 in a joint operation, already with a robust launch plan. In fact, the plan is audacious and envisages at least 40 dealerships in Brazil from the outset, cars with flex-fuel engines and, in the future, a factory in Brazil. The goal is for the brands to be among the top 10 best-selling brands in Brazil.

This will represent strong competition with Chery, currently the best-selling Chinese brand in Brazil, which in September managed to return to 10th place among the best-selling brands.

(Source: Quatro Rodas)