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AliExpreess begins tax-free sales of up to US$50
Release time:2023-10-18
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The online sales platform AliExpress, owned by the Chinese group Alibaba, officially starts operating under the Federal Revenue Service's Remessa Conforme programme on the 15th of October. The company joins a list that includes Amazon, Shopee and Shein.


Created by the Ministry of Finance, Remessa Conforme came into force in August with the aim of regularising imported purchases and avoiding non-compliance with tax payments.


Companies that join the programme will be exempt from import tax on purchases of up to US$50. For purchases over US$50, nothing will change in terms of federal tax collection. In these cases, the 60 per cent import tax will continue to apply.


ICMS will be levied on shipments at a uniform rate of 17 per cent. The import declaration and payment of taxes must take place before the goods arrive.


(Source: Folha de Pernambuco)