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Lusophone poetry honored in inaugural edition of Chinese translation prize
Release time:2023-08-28
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Poems from Mozambique, Portugal and Brazil were among the six winners of the inaugural edition of a Chinese translation prize for poetry in Portuguese and Spanish, announced on the 22nd of August.

One of the prizes went to Luís Lu Jing and Jasmim Wu Hui, two PhD students in Portuguese at the Macao Polytechnic University, for their translation of poems of Mozambican José Craveirinha.

Also among the winners was Huang Lin, from the University of Macau, for six poems by the Portuguese Natália Correia. Chen Yibing, from Beijing Foreign Studies University, was also awarded for her translation of the poem "March" by Portuguese-Angolan Alice Neto de Sousa and the poem "Leveza" by Brazilian Cecília Meireles.

The prize for translating poetry into Chinese from Portuguese and Spanish was launched last year by a Peking University alumni association in honor of poet and translator Hu Xudong, who died in 2021.

(Source: RTP)