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Apodi family farmers will receive Chinese machinery for testing
Release time:2023-06-15
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The secretary of SEDRAF-RN, Alexandre Lima lined up the testing of agricultural machinery in rice and corn fields in the fertile Apodi Valley.

In July, a specialist in the development of small agricultural machines from the Agricultural University of China (CAU) will travel in a delegation to Rio Grande do Norte to visit the fields where the tests will be carried out, which are scheduled for the month of October.

“We are looking for mechanization to become effective in the Northeast so that family farming can increasingly produce healthy food, as it currently produces around 70% of the healthy food that is consumed by the Brazilian population”, said the secretary.

In the Northeast, according to IBGE (2017), only 2.3% of family farming is mechanized; 0.5% of Northeastern properties have some type of sowing equipment and only 0.2% use some type of equipment to harvest what they produce.

(Source: Gazeta do RN)