The Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) has accredited the Macau University of Science and Technology, in China, making it an examination site for the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras). The partnership was signed through the National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), an autarchy linked to the Brazilian Ministry, and the ceremony was held on November 29.
The president of Inep, Manuel Palacios, said that the Celpe-Bras exam is a tool that expands opportunities for those seeking a certificate of proficiency in the Portuguese language. The new site will play a strategic role in the objectives of expansion, as the university will be able to conduct the exam in mainland of China, broadening the scope and the interested public.
The coordinator of the site in Macau, Ricardo Gualda, explained that Celpe-Bras will be strategically served at the campus in Zhuhai. This will allow students from various regions of Chinese mainland to go to the city to take the test.
(Source: GOV.BR, on November 29)