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Chinese technical team completed investigation in Santo Antão to combat the millipede attack
Release time:2024-09-23
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On September 17, a Chinese technical team completed investigation in Santo Antão with the aim of making a diagnosis about the situation of the thousand-legger attack on the island, with a view to drawing up a plan to combat this insect plague.

The delegate of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment in the municipality of Porto Novo, Joel Barros, confirmed that this investigation lasted a week, during which the Chinese technicians, accompanied by national technicians, carried out a diagnosis of the pest situation in Santo Antão.

The diagnosis, explained Joel Barros, will allow the ministry to develop an action plan, which will provide clues for finding a solution to the millipede attack that have infested the island of Santo Antão for several decades.

(Source: Inforpress, on September 17)