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CNA celebrates 50 years of bilateral relations between Brazil and China
Release time:2024-07-18
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The Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Confederation (CNA) recently visited China to celebrate 50 years of bilateral relations and strengthen the partnership between the two countries.

During the trip, CNA's international relations advisor, Pedro Rodrigues, highlighted the importance of conversations with Chinese entities and participation in the largest food fair in China, SIAL. The discussions covered technical-scientific cooperation, opening new markets and disseminating Brazilian agricultural and livestock practices.

“China is a vital market for Brazil, especially for the agricultural sector. Our visit sought not only to celebrate but also to project the next 50 years of collaboration,” stated Rodrigues.

Important meetings with the China Media Group are crucial to improving the international perception of Brazilian production. “We want the Chinese consumer to recognize the quality and sustainability of our products,"  explained Rodrigues.

(Fonte: Planeta Campo, on July 16)