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Caruaru ready to receive YTO factory
Release time:2024-06-03
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On May 31, governor of Pernambuco, Raquel Lyra, and the president of Caruaru, Rodrigo Pinheiro, signed a term of commitment so that YTO Gruop, one of the main and oldest manufacturers of agricultural machinery in China, could establish itself in the city.

Although the company produces harvesting equipment, agricultural implements, diesel engines and generator sets, initially tractors will be manufactured, with the expectation of 120 machines per month.

Representatives of the Chinese industry were in Caruaru to get to know the municipality and the industrial hub, being received by the president of Caruaru.

YTO has been operating in the Brazilian market since last year, with direct sales. According to brand representatives, the country's objective for the next 10 years is to conquer 20% of the national market.

(Source: Movimento Econômico, on 30 May)