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CIPCC program brings together journalists from around the world
Release time:2024-03-07
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Around 100 journalists from 84 countries, including Angola, participate in the China International Press Communication Center (CIPCC) program in the first half of 2024, in partnership with the Asian country's Public Diplomacy Association (CPDA).

Representatives of public and private bodies from four continents will have the opportunity to obtain a global view of the Asian giant through a media exchange program with cultural immersion and exchange of experiences.

The exchange program with communication professionals has a series of training activities to be developed during the four-month stay in China.

During the participants' stay in China, the CIPCC will promote lectures on socioeconomic development, diplomacy, science and technology, culture and other areas of China. Training in journalism and internships in the Chinese media are also planned.

(Source: Jornal de Angola, on March 4)