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Chinese company signs partnership with Brazilian equipment distributor
Release time:2024-03-07
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The Chinese multinational SolaX Power has acted to expand its operations in the Brazilian market, where it began in 2021 through commercial partners, selling inverters in the O&M modality. The company has just signed a partnership with the photovoltaic equipment distributor CorSolar, owned by the Melo Cordeiro Group, thus boosting its strategy of making the battery storage market an accessible reality throughout the country.

According to Mordor Intelligence, the Brazilian photovoltaic market is expected to grow by more than 23% between 2023 and 2028, with installations still not even reaching 3% of Brazilian households, which demonstrates the full potential for the technology. 

In addition to inverters and storage solutions, the portfolio of the multinational founded in 2012 and headquartered in Hangzhou, China, with subsidiaries in several countries, including the Netherlands, Germany, the UK, Australia, Japan and the USA, currently also includes vehicle chargers and advanced energy management systems.

(Source: Canal Energia, on March 5)