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Sino-Mozambican cooperation boosts infrastructure development in Mozambique
Release time:2024-02-19
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China remains one of the main financiers and builders of infrastructure essential for Mozambique's progress. Emblematic projects such as the Maputo-KaTembe bridge and the Maputo Circular stand out as milestones in Sino-Mozambican cooperation, boosting the country's development.

According to the Mozambique delegate to the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macau, Francisca Reino, China plays a crucial role in the country's development, being responsible for building a large part of Mozambican infrastructure. It highlights the strategic importance of the EN1, which connects Maputo to Rovuma.

In addition to infrastructure, the Mozambican representative points to agriculture, industry and tourism as sectors in which cooperation with China is fundamental. She also highlights the measures adopted by the Mozambican government to promote a favorable business environment and attract foreign direct investment.

(Source: Profile, on February 12)