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Chinese company Anjun Logistics to have customs supervision warehouse at Guarulhos International Airport
Release time:2024-01-25
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Anjun Logistics, the Chinese cross-border logistics company that operates between Latin America and China, held an event in São Paulo on 18 January to launch its new product, Anjun Logistics 2024, and welcome the international express customs supervision warehouse at Guarulhos International Airport (GRU). The event was attended by representatives of Chinese and Brazilian companies, as well as authorities from Guarulhos International Airport (GRU).

During the event, Anjun Logistics and BROOKFIELD, an asset management company, signed a contract for the delivery of the supervision warehouse at Guarulhos International Airport. The warehouse is 25,000 square metres and will be able to increase customs' commercial express clearance capacity to 1 million tickets per day. This will solve the problem of clearance delays in Brazil due to site limitations.

Founded in 2011 with headquarters in Shenzhen, China, Anjun Logistics has a comprehensive network of operations in Brazil, with distribution centres in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais and a fleet of 178 owned vehicles and 364 franchised vehicles. 

(Source: China2Brazil, on 22 January)