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Casa China will open its first unit in Maringá do Brasil and is hiring employees
Release time:2023-10-05
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One of the largest utilities companies in the southern region of Brazil, Casa China will have its first unit in Maringá, a Brazilian municipality. The opening will be on the 5th of October.

Casa China's CEO, Douglas Nomura, said that the Maringá unit will have around 2,000 meters of sales area with 15,000 products imported from China, from housewares to toys and health and beauty items. The store will be located on Rua Getúlio Vargas, corner of Rua Santos Dumont.

According to the CEO, initially around 40 people will be hired, and the store will offer many products at even cheaper prices than on the internet.

The company Casa China was created in 1997, in Curitiba and today has branches in Paraná and Santa Catarina.

(Source: GMC Online)