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Mota-Engil wins contract to reclassify Luanda Naval Base
Release time:2023-03-22
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Mota-Engil won the contract to refurbish and equip the Luanda Naval Base, which belongs to the Angolan Navy, for a total value of US$72.2 million (67.8 million euros), authorized by presidential order. Mota-Engil’s shareholder is China Communications Construction Company Limited.

Presidential Order No. 46/23 of the 14th of March, already published in the Diário da República, authorizes expenditures in the said amount and formalizes the opening of the simplified contracting procedure based on material criteria. The Angolan head of state justifies the measure by the urgent need to carry out the aforementioned works.

The public works contract for the design, requalification and equipping of the Luanda Naval Base, located on the island of Luanda, will be signed between Mota-Engil and Simportex.

(Source: Express)