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China’s Huawei to work with Angola on broadband
Release time:2015-05-20
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Chinese technology services provider Huawei Technology Co has pledged to continue work with the Government of Angola to develop local projects in information technology, particularly the broadband network, Angolan news agency Angop reports.

Kiki Wang Teng, head of public relations at Huawei, made the remarks on the sidelines of the International Exhibition of Information and Communication Technologies held in Luanda, Angola’s capital.

She said it would be important for Angola to develop the broadband network in the country, which “can promote the development of the regional and social economy”.

“An investment worth one dollar in [information technology] infrastructure can create a value of 1.4 dollars,” she added.

Mozambican newspaper Notícias reported earlier this month that Huawei was also interested in providing technical solutions to local authorities in Mozambique.