Member Countries
Delegation of technology enterprises from Portuguese-speaking Countries visited Forum Macao
Release time:2023-05-15
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On May 12, the Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) arranged for nearly 30 representatives from scientific and technological innovation sectors such as technology enterprises, science parks, and incubators from Portuguese-speaking Countries (PSCs) to visit the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao) for exchanges. The meeting was attended by: Coordinator of the Liaison Office and Representative of São Tomé and Príncipe, Mr. Gika Makeba da Graça Simão; Coordinator of the Supporting Office, Ms. Teresa Mok; Representative of Brazil, Mr. Adriano Giacomet Higa de Aguiar; Representative of Equatorial Guinea, Ms. Cristina Mangue Abeso; Representative of Mozambique, Ms. Francisca Torcida Reino; and Representative of Portugal, Ms. Márcia Cordeiro Guerreiro.

Coordinator Teresa Mok welcomed the delegation and gave a presentation on Forum Macao, highlighting the full use of functions and advantages of Macao as a service platform between China and PSCs in promoting exchanges and cooperation between Mainland China, PSCs and Macao. She stated that diversified cooperation in science and technology is always an integral component of the Action Plan signed at previous Ministerial Conferences of Forum Macao, and it is also one of the key industries included in Macao’s “1+4” adequate economic diversification strategy to continue to promote high-tech development and leverage advantages of Macao’s platform. Moreover, she encourages scientific and technological innovation enterprises in PSCs to further carry out personnel exchange activities with Mainland China and Macao, strengthen the commercialization and marketization of technological innovation achievements, and contribute to the common development of China and PSCs. During the meeting, the delegation interacted with the representatives present and explained the core issues that start-ups concern about, such as financing and cooperation with Mainland China and Macao enterprises.

The meeting was jointly organized by DSEDT and Parafuturo de Macau Investment and Development Limited at the Supporting Office of Forum Macao. Representatives of technology enterprises from PSCs expressed that this trip has further deepened their understanding of Forum Macao, as well as Macao’s integration into the national development and the construction of “One Center, One Platform, One Base” which is conducive to raising the level of Sino-Lusophone cooperation in the future.