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Chinese Ambassador comments on China-Angola agricultural cooperation
Release time:2024-08-19
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According to data provided to the Angolan newspaper, the ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Angola admitted that there are good commercial relations with Angola in the field of Agriculture, and companies, at the same time, are investing in livestock farming.

He explained that ten out of over 300 Chinese companies in Angola invest in agriculture, producing rice, corn, and soybeans in Uíge, Malanje, Cuanza-Sul, and Norte provinces.

The Chinese diplomat highlighted the recent visit of companies in this sector to Angola and stated that China intends to continue expanding its investments in Angola in terms of employability, noting that most Chinese companies prefer to hire Angolans.

The president of the National Council of Civil Society (CNSC) revealed the existence of new investments that China will make within the next few days, having highlighted, without details, the start of construction of infrastructure costing more than one million dollars, as well as the entry of a new Chinese company that will focus on aluminum production.

(Source: O País, on August 12)