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Chinese company inaugurates mega solar park in the interior of Ceará
Release time:2024-06-20
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SPIC, the Chinese power generation giant, is inaugurating its mega solar project this week in Jaguaretama, in the interior of Ceará, with an investment of approximately R$1 billion. Called the Panati Solar Complex, the project has an installed capacity of 292 MWp.

At the same time, the company, in partnership with Canadian Solar, built another solar park, Marangatu, in Piauí, which was also officially inaugurated this month. Together, the projects received an investment of more than R$ 2 billion.

The Ceará project has eight plants, occupying an area of 741.57 hectares. Each new unit is expected to produce a total installed capacity of 25MW and an annual electricity generation capacity of 71,827 MW/h. The complex's installed capacity could thus reach 292 MWp - enough to supply around 350,000 homes.

(Source: Diário do Nordeste, on June 17)