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Chinese company may invest US$400 million in Goiás
Release time:2024-05-17
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Chinese executives representing Fufeng Group, a global leader in biofermentation, met with the acting governor of Goiás, Daniel Vilela, to present the company's expansion project. At the meeting held on May 14th in Goiânia, investors stated that the contribution for the construction of a new manufacturing plant could exceed US$400 million.

Fufeng Group operates in several key industry sectors, including animal nutrition, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, health and wellness, as well as the oil and gas sector. The new structure should have an annual production capacity of 120 thousand tons of threonine and 180 tons of food-grade lysine.

The Chinese company, which uses corn as the main raw material for its products, turned its eyes to the lands of Goiás because the state is prominent in grain production.

“Our state is among the largest producers; we have all the necessary infrastructure for transport and we want to make Goiás the best option for Chinese investments,"  declared Daniel Vilela.

(Source: Diário de Aparecida, on May 15)