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State government holds II Bahia-China Forum
Release time:2024-05-14
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To mark the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Brazil-China bilateral relationship in Bahia, the State Government is holding the 2nd Bahia-China Forum. The event will take place on May 21, 2024, at the Deville Hotel, and will kick off discussions on the themes included in the technical-scientific exchange between the Bahia Superintendence of Economic and Social Studies (SEI) and the Shandong Academy of Macroeconomic Research (China), on the themes of Transport Logistics, Low Carbon Economy, Energy Transition and Smart Cities.

The aim of the forum is to foster scientific, cultural, institutional and commercial relations between China and Bahia. At the event, the book "China Brazil, 50 Years of Diplomacy - New routes for a new era" will be launched, with the presence of the director of the Brazilian Press, Communication and Events Agency - AbraPress, Eduardo Teixeira.

Also taking part will be the Consul General of the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Rio de Janeiro, Tian Min, and six representatives from the Shandong Academy, who will be in Bahia to carry out technical visits and begin studies in partnership with SEI.

(Source: Official website of the government of Bahia, on May 10)