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Chinese electric car that charges in 11 minutes will arrive in Brazil
Release time:2024-04-15
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Zeekr 001 has the fastest charge in the world after undergoing an upgrade and could reach the Brazilian market. The results have been achieved through the use of a 600 kW Zeekr V3 supercharger and the addition of the CATL Shenxing battery incorporated into the new range of vehicles.

It has been confirmed by Insedeevs that Zeekr is working to start operations in Brazil as soon as possible. This would make it Geely's first step towards the Brazilian market, which it has set its sights on.

It has even been confirmed that the Zeekr 001 will arrive here and is already being tested on Brazilian streets, alongside the Model X, the brand's electric crossover. The information was made official by representatives of the company, who reiterated their comments about the automaker's plans to some journalists. The idea is for sales to begin in the second half of 2024.

(Source: Mobiauto, on April 9)