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Beijing Dabeinong says its herbicide-tolerant GM soya has been approved by Brazil
Release time:2023-11-27
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China's Beijing Dabeinong Technology Group Co Ltd said on 22 November that Brazil has approved the planting of its genetically modified herbicide-tolerant soybeans.


The transformation event DBN9004 of the genetically modified herbicide-tolerant soybean has passed Brazil's safety assessment review and the planting licence has been officially approved, Dabeinong said in a document.


"This genetically modified soya can tolerate glyphosate and glufosinate ammonium-based herbicides, helping to solve the problem of weed control in soya production in South America," he said. Dabeinong said that this is the company's first soya product approved for cultivation in the South American country, helping to boost the company's expansion in Brazil.


The unit's insect-resistant genetically modified soy products received a planting licence in Argentina in 2022.


(Source: Investing)