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WDC Networks may import Huawei products to sell in Brazil
Release time:2023-11-17
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On the 14th of November, Huawei and WDC Networks signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), expanding the partnership between the companies, where the distributor now directly imports the manufacturer's entire product line aimed at internet service providers (ISPs).

With this, WDC now has access to Huawei products, such as switches, WiFi 6 routers and mini-FFTO, as well as FTTH, GPON, DWDM equipment and the entire IP line.

In addition to distribution in the Brazilian market, the products can also be distributed through the distributor's branch in Colombia, where WDC will be able to offer the same portfolio that it will bring from China to Brazil.

WDC expects the agreement with Huawei to favour providers and companies looking to expand or upgrade their telecommunications parks.

(Source: Portal Minha Operadora)