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Chargé d'Affaires: "China wants to write a new chapter of international relations together with Guinea-Bissau"
Release time:2023-10-17
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The Chargé d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Guinea-Bissau, Dong Minchuan, said that the Chinese government is willing to work with the Guinean government to further strengthen mutually beneficial co-operation in all fields, in order to help jointly write a new chapter in a new type of international relations with practical actions. 

The two countries have carried out fruitful co-operation in various fields, such as infrastructure, agriculture, education, medicine and health, and personnel exchanges have become increasingly close.

"China and Guinea-Bissau signed a memorandum of understanding on the joint construction of the Belt and Road in 2021," he said, adding that China hopes that the two countries can further deepen cooperation within the framework of the joint construction of the Belt and Road and negotiate and sign cooperation plans in a timely manner on the basis of the memorandum of understanding to promote more cooperation projects in Guinea-Bissau.

(Source: O Democrata)