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Monte do Pasto explores opportunities for collaboration between Portugal and Macao
Release time:2023-03-31
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The Monte do Pasto, located in Alentejo and owned by CESL Asia, was visited on the 23rd of March by the Chinese Ambassador, Zhao Bentang and the Minister of Territorial Cohesi,on, Ana Abrunhosa, as well as the Secretary of State for Regional Development, Isabel Ferreira.

The motto of the visit was to explore opportunities for collaboration between Portugal and the Macao region in the agri-food sector but also to promote the innovation and export potential of Portuguese agriculture and solutions such as Agrivoltaic.

“The positive impact of the technical and technological innovation that we have been extensively introducing in our farms is proof, not only of our effort towards the rural development of the interior Alentejo, but also of our designing lasting bridges of cooperation and continuing to deepen the commercial economic relations between Portugal, the Macao region, China and the PLPs,”, considers the president and CEO of CESL Asia, António Trindade.

(Source: Vida Rural)