Member Countries
Forum Macao’s Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting to be held on April 10
Release time:2022-03-31
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The Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting of Forum Macao will be held online on April 10, 2022, at the China-Portuguese-speaking Countries Commercial and Trade Service Platform Complex, via video links, as unanimously agreed by those due to take part.

The Meeting will be held under the theme “Cooperate to fight against the pandemic, Collaborate for common development”. Representatives from the governments of the participating countries of Forum Macao, will deliver speeches at the opening ceremony via video link. 

During the Meeting, the ministers responsible for Forum Macao matters in the different countries will deliver speeches. The topics will be the strengthening of exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries regarding epidemic-prevention work, and the joint promotion of economic recovery in a post-pandemic period. After the Meeting, the ministers will sign a Joint Declaration of the Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting.

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