Member Countries
Delegation from the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao pays visit to the Association of Chinese Enterprises in Macao
Release time:2022-03-28
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A delegation from the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao paid a visit on March 25 to the Association of Chinese Enterprises in Macao, chaired by Mr Fu Jianguo.

After welcoming the delegation headed by Secretary-General Mr Ji Xianzheng, Chairman Mr Fu made a presentation on the general situation of the association, and the main activities recently carried out by it. He pointed out that the association had been working closely with the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, by actively participating in the activities carried out by Forum Macao. Mr Fu said he hoped to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two sides, fully to leverage the unique advantages of Chinese companies in terms of resources and professionalism, helping them to enter the markets of the Portuguese-speaking Countries, and thereby contributing to the advancement of Macao’s role as a platform.

Secretary-General Mr Ji gave a presentation on the work carried out by Forum Macao and its Permanent Secretariat. He expressed gratitude for the association’s involvement in the various aspects of Macao’s economic and social development, as a relevant force to foster economic and trade exchanges between mainland China, Macao, and the Portuguese-speaking Countries. The Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao would continue to create favourable conditions to promote further flow of knowledge between Chinese companies in Macao, and companies in Portuguese-speaking Countries, working together to contribute to Macao’s economic diversification.

Other members of the association present at the meeting included: Director-General, Mr Huang Zhihu; and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr Wang Wei. Other members of the Permanent Secretariat present included: Deputy Secretaries-General Mr Ding Tian, and Mr Casimiro de Jesus Pinto; Coordinator of the Executive Office, Mr He Meng; Coordinator of Forum Macao’s Liaison Office and Representative of Cabo Verde, Mr Nuno Furtado; Coordinator of the Support Office, Ms Mok Iun Lei; Representative of Guinea-Bissau, Mr Abdú Jaquité; Representative of Portugal, Ms Maria João Bonifácio; Representative of São Tomé and Príncipe, Mr Gika Simão; and Representative of Timor-Leste, Mr Danilo Henriques.