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China to boost support to Cape Verde in 2015
Release time:2015-02-17
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The Chinese Government will boost support to Cape Verde, focusing on the fields of health, education and agriculture, China’s Ambassador to Cape Verde, Su Jian, told Cape Verdean news agency Inforpress.

Chinese financial aid to the archipelago amounted to US$25 million in 2014, which will increase to US$30 million this year, Mr Su was quoted saying.

“The trend is for aid to increase every year,” he added, noting that China is also supporting Cape Verde by other means, such as scholarships, vocational training and cultural, economic and business exchanges.

Mr Su is ending a tour of duty as China’s Ambassador to Cape Verde on February 20, after about two years in the archipelago.

In the interview with Inforpress, Mr Su said efforts are being made to complete within this year the construction of the new education complex on Sal Island and the revamp of the Presidential Palace. Both projects are supported by China.

The Ambassador added that the construction of the Agricultural Products Processing Centre should begin this year, as well as the designing of the new campus of the University of Cape Verde.

Mr Su said the Chinese government would finance and build a modern university campus, which would be the largest Chinese project in Cape Verde.