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Angola-China cooperation promotes mutual progress, says Angolan ruling party official
Release time:2024-10-21
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On October 14, Ângela Bragança, an official of Angola's ruling party and a secretary for policy and cadre development of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), said that the long-standing cooperation between Angola and China has deepened the friendship between the two nations, promoting mutual progress and well-being, at the Sixth Annual Meeting on China's Sustainable Development Goals, held in Luanda, the capital of Angola. This annual meeting form the 14th to the 17th of October is organized by Renmin University of China and Chinese Embassy in Angola, 

During the seminar, Bragança emphasized the importance of cultural and academic exchanges between the two countries. She noted that one of the seminar's main themes - China's experiences in reducing poverty - has significant value for Angola's governance.

The Chinese prestigious academics and representatives will share experiences with Angolan party members and academics about some topics, such as poverty reduction practices, China-Africa cooperation and economic globalization.

(Source: XINHUA Portuguese, on October 16)