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Chinese agricultural machinery company may open a factory in RN
Release time:2024-07-03
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The governor of Rio Grande do Norte, Fátima Bezerra, met on July 1st with the Brazilian representative of the Chinese agricultural machinery company Lansu, Luciano Esteves. The company showed interest in opening a factory in the state.

According to the secretary of Sedraf, Alexandre de Oliveira Lima, “in addition to new jobs for RN, the possible installation of the factory aims, fundamentally, to increase the levels of mechanization for family farming,"  he stated.

Still, according to him, the NE has the lowest mechanization rates in Brazil. The Brazilian average is 14%, and the Northeast average is just 2.3%.

“With this factory, we will expand the capacity of family farming to produce food, mechanizing and improving the working conditions of family farming to supply the domestic market and satisfy the hunger of the Brazilian people.” says.

(Source: Mossoró Hoje, on July 1)