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Three new Chinese car brands are arriving in Portugal
Release time:2024-01-30
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Salvador Caetano Auto has just closed an agreement with the Chinese giant Dongfeng Motor Corporation to have exclusive import rights for the Voyah, Dongfeng and M Hero car brands in Portugal and Spain, with sales expected to begin in 2024.

“We are proud to have Salvador Caetano Auto as our main partner in Spain and Portugal, both strategic markets for Dongfeng. The international experience with a long history of distributing brands in Europe, South America and Africa, positions the Portuguese group as the best choice to guarantee representation in the Iberian  Peninsula," highlights the general director of the Chinese group, Ma Lei.

Dongfeng Motor Corporation is one of the main vehicle manufacturers in China, having sold a total of 2.42 million cars in 2023, of which 231 thousand are abroad, in more than a hundred countries.

(Source: AWAY magazine, on January 26)