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China cancels import tariffs on 98 percent of Angolan products
Release time:2023-12-15
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The Chinese government canceled the import tariff on 98 percent of Angolan products entering its market. This tariff relief is extended to five more African countries: Gambia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Madagascar, Mali and Mauritania and comes into force on the 25th of December.

Among the countries benefiting are some of the richest in raw materials, namely the DRC, which is the source of more than 60 percent of China's cobalt imports, and Angola, a major exporter of oil and diamonds.

The move symbolizes the spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation and facilitates a high-quality China-Africa community with a shared future.

China has increased imports of agricultural products from Africa, including avocados, cashew nuts, sesame seeds and chilies, as agriculture becomes the new focus of its engagement with the continent.

(Source: VOA Português)