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Shopping Popular to create 20,000 more jobs in second phase
Release time:2023-11-20
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The Chinese business group H&S will create 20,000 direct jobs with the construction of the second phase of Shopping Popular, located in the Camama area, Talatona municipality, in Luanda, Angola. 

The information was given on 13 November in Luanda by the vice-president of the H&S group at a press conference to present the programme for the inauguration of the Shopping Popular (formerly Ango Shi Shopping), which will open on the 18th of  November.

The redevelopment, now with more than 300 shops selling a variety of products, has received some of its tenants from São Paulo. At this stage, 3,000 jobs have already been created, mainly for young people, added the vice-president of the H&S group. 

(Source: Jornal de Angola)