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Establishment of a Piauí office in China
Release time:2023-10-27
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The governor of Piauí Rafael Fonteles signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish an international office for Piauí in China, within the BRICS Center. In addition to partnerships between China and Brasil, the idea is to promote the exchange of information and experiences, as well as economic and commercial cooperation between China and Piauí.

The MoU also defined the implementation of an International Representation Office of the Piauí Strategic Investment Attraction Agency (Investe Piauí), opened in 2023, with the aim of attracting companies and investments to Piauí.

"Just as we already have offices in other countries, we will have one in China, which will be an important point for attracting companies and investments to our state,", said governor Rafael Fonteles on his social networks.
