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Macau newspaper joins Portuguese media to introduce Chinese culture
Release time:2023-10-06
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Diário de Macau, one of the main newspapers in the Macau SAR, has teamed up with the Global Media Group in Portugal to introduce Chinese culture in Portuguese.

The first special section on Chinese culture was published on the 28th of September in the media group's newspaper Diário de Notícias, presenting the Mid-Autumn Festival.

A total of 52 editions of the special section are scheduled to be published on Thursdays, covering historical and cultural relations between China and Portugal, renowned figures in the history of cultural exchanges between China and the West, as well as China's philosophical thoughts, festivals and intangible cultural heritage.

Marco Galinha, chairman of the board of directors of the Global Media Group, said that the strategic partnership represents an opportunity to expand Diário de Notícias' readership and intensify the group's strategy to internationalise. 

(Source: XINHUA Portuguese)