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Lusophone televisions sign cooperation agreements with TDM
Release time:2023-09-19
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Public television stations in Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau signed on the 11th of September a cooperation agreement with TDM – Macau Television to broadcast audiovisual content about China in Portuguese. TVE Bahia, public television in the northeastern state of Brazil, also signed a similar agreement with TDM on the 13th of September.

The information director of the São Tomé and Príncipe public channel, Nelson Tavares Silva, said that TVS has been broadcasting programs translated into Portuguese by the Macau broadcaster, on topics such as "Chinese culture and the technological advances taking place in China ". In addition to helping to "diversify TVS' programming schedule", "the population of São Tomé and Príncipe greatly appreciates this content, said the director.

The director of RTC - Radiotelevisão Cabo-verdiana also highlighted that the agreements also provide for financial support from TDM for Portuguese-language channels and the possibility of co-production projects.

(Source: Hoje Macau)