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Brazil's trade with China shows record surplus
Release time:2023-09-18
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From January to August, Brazil accumulated a surplus of US$ 33.148 billion in trade with China, a figure that exceeds the balance of US$ 28.684 billion recorded for the whole of 2022. Soybeans, oil, iron ore and beef are the four products that accounted for more than 84% of Brazilian exports to the Asian country.

According to data from the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex), of the Ministry of Development, Trade and Services (MDIC), up to August, Brazilian exports totaled US$ 67.833 billion, up 6% on the same period in 2022 and oilseed exports totaled US$ 29.7 billion, equivalent to 44% of total sales to China.

While Brazilian exports are marked by a strong concentration on basic products, Chinese sales are exclusively made up of manufactured goods, such as thermionic valves and tubes, telecommunications equipment, electrical machinery and appliances, among others. 

(Source: Comex do Brasil)